Three New Podcasts Added!

Hi all!

I’ve added three new shows to my ‘Latest Podcasts’ List (right side, scroll down):

about the nature podcast

Nature is an awesome science podcast put out by the fine folks at Nature magazine.

about grammar girl

Grammar Girl shares her encyclopedic knowledge about the proper use of the English language—enlightening and entertaining!

about HPPodcraft

HPPodcraft is a wonderful weekly show that focuses on the works of H.P. Lovecraft and his contemporaries. By subscription, but with regular free episodes, so you can try before you buy!

08.25.13 — Sunday Podcast Roundup: General Interest

sunday-podcast-roundup-mastheadThis podcast roundup focuses on some of my favourite general interest shows! 99% Invisible podcast talks about the revolutionary ad campaign that brought New York City back to life in the ’70s; Airline Pilot Guy looks at recent flight-related news, including the B-1 bomber crash in Montana; and the Nature podcast looks at how future babies may be grown directly from our skin cells (ewww!).

Oh, by the way, I’ll upload my Film podcast roundups later today!

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08.18.13 — Sunday Podcast Roundup

sunday-podcast-roundup-mastheadThis week on the Sunday Podcast Roundup, Roman Mars of the 99% Invisible Podcast tells you where to find the best beer in the world; Captain Jeff of Airline Pilot Guy reports on rogue spiders attacking air traffic controllers; and Chris Kenneally of Beyond the Book gets the details on the 166-million-dollar settlement in the big e-book price-fixing case — and how you may be entitled to some of it!

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08.04.13 — Sunday Podcast Roundup

sunday-podcast-roundup-mastheadThis week, the Sunday roundup contains all kinds of podcast-ey goodness: Nature tells you why only one in three people on earth can drink milk; 100 Years of Horror takes you back to 1959, when director William Castle used Percepto technology to shock theatre audiences out of their seats; Grammar Girl explains why some people feel entitled to say things like ‘we are not amused’ without being ironic! And that’s just for starters — enjoy!

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•• 07.12.13 — Thursday Podcast Roundup ••

thursday-podcast-roundup-mastheadHappy Thursday!! Here are some great podcasts to listen to over the weekend while you’re soaking up the sun, washing the dog, or traveling on the bus. Enjoy!

•• General Interest ••

In a special episode of AIRLINE PILOT GUY, Captain Jeff cuts through all the media hype about the recent crash landing of Asiana Flight 214, and gives you a point-by-point, clear-eyed interpretation of events as they happened. Riveting stuff!

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•• NEW •• Nature podcast

••NEW•• nature podcast 2013 | 05 | 09


“In three to five years, we’re going to have cars that can go anywhere, anytime, on any road, without anybody in the vehicle driving it.” — Lawrence D. Burns

Host Kerri Smith delivers the latest news from the brainosphere: driverless cars, environmentally friendly iron production, and odd-shaped atomic nuclei, among other wondrous things. It’s all scien-terrific!

Find it here.

[Runtime: 25 min]

masthead background: close-up of autumn leaf, by Steve Jurvetson | Source  | CC